mIss u

Since after Valentine we did not meet each others..
He is just too busy with his career fair things...
I was busy with my things as well...
Less meet cause me miss him more...
However, he do phone me almost everyday...
At least when he free he will phone me...
We sms non stop like usual....
However, this still can't make my feeling of missing him get lesser...
It just increase day by day...

This few days...
Too many things happen among my friends...
My feeling is just too complicated...
I am worry.. I am sad..
But i can do nothing besides hoping that everything will go on as usual...
Praying is what i can do now...
I do hope everything can be back normal...
At least, that time all of us is happy...
I dunno what is happen among them...
Yet i know something is going on...
I don't wish to know...
Coz i am tired to know...
Not because i am not concern about them...
Just i am not them..
I am not the person who is in the situation...
I cant really understand their feeling as i don't really know what is the exact situation that is going on...
Just wish all of them is fine...
Just wish all of them is happy....

All this things happen make me so bad mood...
I am just too down...
I started to miss him more and more..
I just hope he can be at my side now...
At least hug me...
Coz i really need to have a rest..
I am really tired now....


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