
I just miss my dear so so so so much...
He recently busy with his career fair stuff...
Can't often sms with me and phone me like usual...
My mood not good also don't dare to tell him as he don't even have much time to rest...
Every night also sleep so late and wake up so early..
I just don't want kacau him and hope he can concentrate in doing his stuff without worrying about me...

My mood damn bad today...
I speechless coz i am stupid...
I just miss him so much...
Hope to see him now...
I know if i tell him he sure will come and find me...
But, I can't be so selfish...
He everyday meeting until so late yet if he come and find me...
Means he got less time to rest...

I just hope his busy season will end soon..
But still got 1 more month to go...
Have to be patient...
But really miss him so much~~~


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