We supposed to be in Catherine's house to drink the bubur kacang's soup...
However, i did not go..
It is because my stomach still not yet fully recover...
Don't dare to let myself drink others things...
Just scared it become more serious later as i still got one more paper to go on friday...
Ng kok Hong super duper bad..
He tell me everybody stay in hostel not going is due to me...
Below is our conversation :
sOphi@ wOnG: u not yet go ar?
sOphi@ wOnG: ng kok hong
kokhong kokhong: i din go
kokhong kokhong: hostel no ppl go
sOphi@ wOnG: geng
sOphi@ wOnG: y everybody not going?
kokhong kokhong: ya
kokhong kokhong: coz u din go
kokhong kokhong: so all dun1 go
sOphi@ wOnG: who say le?
sOphi@ wOnG: sob..blame me pula
kokhong kokhong: ya la
kokhong kokhong: u din go rite?
kokhong kokhong: vy py kh winson all no go
sOphi@ wOnG: yerr..
sOphi@ wOnG: y u all like tat de
sOphi@ wOnG: sob..
kokhong kokhong: kenot a?
kokhong kokhong: @.@
kokhong kokhong: then go hit all of us la
kokhong kokhong: go scold all of us la
sOphi@ wOnG: bad guy
I really believe what he say is true at the first place...
Feel so guilty...
I immediately go and ask one of his close friends about this...
Below is our conversation:
sOphi@ wOnG: y u no go cat de house de?
WINSON LEE: u got go meh
WINSON LEE: cos kok hong dont want go lo
sOphi@ wOnG: i cannot go ma coz stomach still not yet recover..
sOphi@ wOnG: oic..
sOphi@ wOnG: not because of i no go la
sOphi@ wOnG: stupid ng kok hong bluff me
WINSON LEE: lolz..
In the end i found out, Ng Kok Hong is bluffing me..
Sob.. Get bluff again...
Catherine, sorry for unable to go your house to eat the bubur kacang's soup you cook..
Next time...
If got next time..
I sure will go..
Erykah Badu Natal Chart
3 months ago
想跟我吵架, 我沒那麼無聊
不懂得道歉, 我沒那麼聰明
Ng Kok Hong, since when u become chinese educated liao??
Go where copy all those stuff put here??
Haha.. ^^
haha...nvrm nvrm..it's ok...hehe...don't worry ya..^^ hope u will get well soon and good luck in ur exam oo..
Wow, ng kok hong wrote in traditional chinese words yo~~
Don't drink too much water since you still havent get well.
Take care ya~~
We will support you~~
Thanks for your support..
Hehe.. ^^
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